Changes to

3 months ago
updated breckchain.scroll
Changed around line 14: And then, our math will win.
- Breck
+ ***
+ breckchain.png
3 months ago
Added breckchain.png
3 months ago
updated breckchain.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2024-11-24
+ date 2024-12-02
3 months ago
updated breckchain.scroll
Changed around line 10: This chain will leapfrog all others on trust and speed.
- And then our math will win.
+ And then, our math will win.
- Breck
3 months ago
updated breckchain.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title Particle Thinking
+ title Breckchain
- container 400px
+ container 420px
- Alejandro writes of an exercise to describe something in two words.
- describe something in two words
+ We're building a new blockchain (L1).
- To him Scroll is "semantic blogging".
+ This chain will leapfrog all others on trust and speed.
- His Scroll blog is "a database of [his] knowledge."
+ We will be misunderstood, ignored, and mocked.
- He then asks what two words I would use for Scroll?
+ And then our math will win.
- ***
+ -Breck
- While Scroll is also semantic blogging to me, if I could only pick two words I'd go with: *particle thinking*.
- ***
- # The Big Questions
- I like to ponder life's big mysteries.
- Why are we here? How do things work?
- Figuring out life's mysteries is like moving a mountain.
- How does one move a mountain?
- Two approaches come to mind: the philosophical approach and the engineering approach.
- The philosophical approach is to change your question or perspective. A mountain from a different perspective can be a pebble, coverable with one thumb.
- The engineering approach to moving a mountain is "bit by bit".
- ***
- # Particle Thinking
- Particle Thinking is the bit by bit way.
- All of these words you are reading now can be constructed with 2 particles: a particle and an anti-particle. You then use many of those as subparticles to build letter particles, and then combine those to get word particles, and then list particles, and then parser particles, and then language particles, and then encyclopedia particles, and program particles, and operating system particles, and lowly blog post particles like this.
- It's particles all the way down.
- ***
- # Particle Thinking Pays Compound Interest
- What's so good about this approach?
- Learning is programming except instead of creating functions in code you are creating functions in neurons. Like programming, a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one. Evaluating mental functions takes time and requires energy. If your neural functions are wasteful you will compute slower, miss optimal thoughts, and waste a lot of ATP.
- bigOsKitchen.html a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one
- If instead, you refine your thinking to where you understand exactly what concepts are necessary and what are not, you will think faster, come up with better ideas, and have more ATP to spend on enjoying life.
- Do this for years, and then decades, and your savings compound.
- ***
- So those would be my two words for Scroll: particle thinking.
- I want a language that helps me be a great thinker, to get the most out of my limited neurons, and use neural ATP most effectively.
- And I want a language with a community of other people that think like this.
- And I want a language that gives me a another way to try and move mountains.
- ***
- What do you think? What two words would you use to describe Scroll?
3 months ago
created breckchain.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ date 2024-11-24
+ tags All Scroll
+ title Particle Thinking
+ standardPost.scroll
+ container 400px
+ Alejandro writes of an exercise to describe something in two words.
+ describe something in two words
+ To him Scroll is "semantic blogging".
+ His Scroll blog is "a database of [his] knowledge."
+ He then asks what two words I would use for Scroll?
+ ***
+ While Scroll is also semantic blogging to me, if I could only pick two words I'd go with: *particle thinking*.
+ ***
+ # The Big Questions
+ I like to ponder life's big mysteries.
+ Why are we here? How do things work?
+ Figuring out life's mysteries is like moving a mountain.
+ How does one move a mountain?
+ Two approaches come to mind: the philosophical approach and the engineering approach.
+ The philosophical approach is to change your question or perspective. A mountain from a different perspective can be a pebble, coverable with one thumb.
+ The engineering approach to moving a mountain is "bit by bit".
+ ***
+ # Particle Thinking
+ Particle Thinking is the bit by bit way.
+ All of these words you are reading now can be constructed with 2 particles: a particle and an anti-particle. You then use many of those as subparticles to build letter particles, and then combine those to get word particles, and then list particles, and then parser particles, and then language particles, and then encyclopedia particles, and program particles, and operating system particles, and lowly blog post particles like this.
+ It's particles all the way down.
+ ***
+ # Particle Thinking Pays Compound Interest
+ What's so good about this approach?
+ Learning is programming except instead of creating functions in code you are creating functions in neurons. Like programming, a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one. Evaluating mental functions takes time and requires energy. If your neural functions are wasteful you will compute slower, miss optimal thoughts, and waste a lot of ATP.
+ bigOsKitchen.html a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one
+ If instead, you refine your thinking to where you understand exactly what concepts are necessary and what are not, you will think faster, come up with better ideas, and have more ATP to spend on enjoying life.
+ Do this for years, and then decades, and your savings compound.
+ ***
+ So those would be my two words for Scroll: particle thinking.
+ I want a language that helps me be a great thinker, to get the most out of my limited neurons, and use neural ATP most effectively.
+ And I want a language with a community of other people that think like this.
+ And I want a language that gives me a another way to try and move mountains.
+ ***
+ What do you think? What two words would you use to describe Scroll?
+ ****
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 18
- "scroll-cli": "^154.2.0"
+ "scroll-cli": "^160.0.0"
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 24: I was sad by South Park's rejection yesterday but I'm excited to use this as a t
- extends paragraphParser
+ extends scrollParagraphParser
3 months ago
updated 404.scroll
Changed around line 17: Sorry, the url you requested was not found.
- If you think there's a bug on my site, please email or open an issue to let me know. Thank you!
- open an issue
+ If you think there's a bug on my site, please email to let me know. Thank you!
3 months ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 59: As one can assume, hundreds of works directly contributed to the model above. So
- Shebani Sethi
3 months ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 60: As one can assume, hundreds of works directly contributed to the model above. So
- Shebani Sethi
3 months ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 43: Mitochondrial populations change much more gradually than substance levels in th
- # References
- As one can assume, hundreds of works directly contributed to the model above. I will add references over time.
- If this model proves correct, most credit is due to the breakthrough work of Dr. Iain Campbell at University of Edinburgh.
- Dr. Iain Campbell
+ # Read more
+ As one can assume, hundreds of works directly contributed to the model above. Some of the key resources:
+ - Dr. Iain Campbell
+ - Metabolic Mind
+ - Bipolar Cast
+ - The Cell, Chapter 7, Don W. Fawcett. 2nd Edition. 1966
+ - Chris Palmer
+ - Shebani Sethi
3 months ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 47: Mitochondrial populations change much more gradually than substance levels in th
- If this model proves correct, all credit is due to the breakthrough work of Dr. Iain Campbell at University of Edinburgh.
+ If this model proves correct, most credit is due to the breakthrough work of Dr. Iain Campbell at University of Edinburgh.
- Having observed this field for a long time, even if this model proves inadequate, I feel an accurate model is in sight and it is now a race between Dr. Campbell and his team versus everyone else. ;)
3 months ago
updated countingComplexity.scroll
Changed around line 39: In this paper I add to the pile, and propose using Particle Syntax as a tool for
- 2. Given the assumption that all structures can be represented as trees, we can then use Particle Syntax, a simple encoding of tree structures, to encode the components of `X`, in a program `P`, which is written in a high level symbolic Particles language defined by a grammar, `G0`.
- aGrammarNotationForTreeLanguages.html grammar
- 3. We can then describe that language `G0` in a recursive series of grammars (`G1`, `G2`, ...).
+ 2. Given the assumption that all structures can be represented as trees, we can then use Particle Syntax, a simple encoding of tree structures, to encode the components of `X`, in a program `P`, parseable by a set of Parsers, `P0`.
+ aGrammarNotationForTreeLanguages.html Parsers
+ 3. We can then describe that set `P0` in a recursive series (`P1`, `P2`, ...).
- 5. We can use simple arithmetic to count the atomic components of our program and grammars and get complexity measurements for a system.
+ 5. We can use simple arithmetic to count the atomic components of our program and parsers and get complexity measurements for a system.
Changed around line 163: Basic primitives like the bit, the concept of a word, or an AND gate have a Part
- Both the description and the grammars the description uses are represented by the same basic minimal structures allowing the whole system to be counted and analyzed.
+ Both the description and the parsers the description uses are represented by the same basic minimal structures allowing the whole system to be counted and analyzed.
3 months ago
updated countingComplexity.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title PAC: Particle Atom Complexity
+ title PC: Particle Complexity
Changed around line 36: In this paper I add to the pile, and propose using Particle Syntax as a tool for
- The method introduced here, named Particle Atom Complexity (PAC), can be used to measure the complexity of an entity X. It operates as follows.
+ The method introduced here, named Particle Complexity (PC), can be used to measure the complexity of an entity X. It operates as follows.
Changed around line 73: code
- Hence, by this simple PAC measure we can say that a digit is more complex than a boolean.
+ Hence, by this simple PC measure we can say that a digit is more complex than a boolean.
Changed around line 123: Hence, the programB is less complex by this measure, _given machineA and machine
- caption A visualization of the countable atomic units in PAC.
+ caption A visualization of the countable atomic units in PC.
- PAC has more atomic units to count beyond nodes.
+ PC has more atomic units to count beyond nodes.
- In PAC countable atomic units of complexity include:
+ In PC countable atomic units of complexity include:
- Particles (files/2D planes/documents)
- Atoms (words)
Changed around line 155: But the Total Complexity of the Python program might be greater than that of the
- PAC is one of many systems that measure the "difficulty of description"^Lloyd. This means PAC doesn't measure complexity directly, rather the description of the entity is measured.
+ PC is one of many systems that measure the "difficulty of description"^Lloyd. This means PC doesn't measure complexity directly, rather the description of the entity is measured.
Changed around line 177: Other descriptions become noisier or repetitive over time, whereas Particles is
- PAC thus could enable cross-domain complexity comparisons.
+ PC thus could enable cross-domain complexity comparisons.
Changed around line 185: In a sense, Particles can be thought of as a notation for building a strongly-ty
- This is far-off speculation, but perhaps there exists a correlation between the PAC measurements of a topic, and the number of neurons and synapses dedicated to that topic in the brain of a topic expert, out of the total supply of their $10e11$ neurons and $10e15$ synapses.
+ This is far-off speculation, but perhaps there exists a correlation between the PC measurements of a topic, and the number of neurons and synapses dedicated to that topic in the brain of a topic expert, out of the total supply of their $10e11$ neurons and $10e15$ synapses.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 6: printTitle
+ center 11/24/2024
+ # Inequality
+ comics/inequality.png
+ ***
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 66: I want a language that helps me be a great thinker, to get the most out of my li
- And I want a language that gives me a another way to move mountains.
+ And I want a language that gives me a another way to try and move mountains.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 66: I want a language that helps me be a great thinker, to get the most out of my li
+ And I want a language that gives me a another way to move mountains.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 1
+ date 2024-11-24
+ tags All Scroll
+ title Particle Thinking
+ standardPost.scroll
+ container 400px
+ Alejandro writes of an exercise to describe something in two words.
+ describe something in two words
+ To him Scroll is "semantic blogging".
+ His Scroll blog is "a database of [his] knowledge."
+ He then asks what two words I would use for Scroll?
+ ***
+ While Scroll is also semantic blogging to me, if I could only pick two words I'd go with: *particle thinking*.
+ ***
+ # The Big Questions
+ I like to ponder life's big mysteries.
+ Why are we here? How do things work?
+ Figuring out life's mysteries is like moving a mountain.
+ How does one move a mountain?
+ Two approaches come to mind: the philosophical approach and the engineering approach.
+ The philosophical approach is to change your question or perspective. A mountain from a different perspective can be a pebble, coverable with one thumb.
+ The engineering approach to moving a mountain is "bit by bit".
+ ***
+ # Particle Thinking
+ Particle Thinking is the bit by bit way.
+ All of these words you are reading now can be constructed with 2 particles: a particle and an anti-particle. You then use many of those as subparticles to build letter particles, and then combine those to get word particles, and then list particles, and then parser particles, and then language particles, and then encyclopedia particles, and program particles, and operating system particles, and lowly blog post particles like this.
+ It's particles all the way down.
+ ***
+ # Particle Thinking Pays Compound Interest
+ What's so good about this approach?
+ Learning is programming except instead of creating functions in code you are creating functions in neurons. Like programming, a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one. Evaluating mental functions takes time and requires energy. If your neural functions are wasteful you will compute slower, miss optimal thoughts, and waste a lot of ATP.
+ bigOsKitchen.html a poorly created function can be vastly slower than a well crafted one
+ If instead, you refine your thinking to where you understand exactly what concepts are necessary and what are not, you will think faster, come up with better ideas, and have more ATP to spend on enjoying life.
+ Do this for years, and then decades, and your savings compound.
+ ***
+ So those would be my two words for Scroll: particle thinking.
+ I want a language that helps me be a great thinker, to get the most out of my limited neurons, and use neural ATP most effectively.
+ And I want a language with a community of other people that think like this.
+ ***
+ What do you think? What two words would you use to describe Scroll?
+ ****
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 68: Even better than just making monopoly money from one random number is to make mo
- Of course, your inventions are only solving problems that your other inventions created, but most people don't know that and so you can go on posting your stamped US Patent Certificates on LinkedIn and boasting about what a great innovator your company is.
+ Of course, your inventions are only solving problems that your other inventions created, but most people don't know that and so you can go on posting your stamped US Patent Certificates on LinkedIn and boasting about what a great innovator you are.
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 66: As a result, companies are coming out with all sorts of random numbers that are
- Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illnesses, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
+ Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines; foods that cause illnesses; illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines; medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines; and your royalties will be royal!
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 66: As a result, companies are coming out with all sorts of random numbers that are
- Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illness, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
+ Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illnesses, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 66: As a result, companies are coming out with all sorts of random numbers that are
- Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illnes, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
+ Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illness, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 66: As a result, companies are coming out with all sorts of random numbers that are
- Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, that actually causes sickness, which you convince them they can only cure by your other patented medicine, which causes side effects that you can convince them can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
+ Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, foods that cause illnes, illnesses which you say can only be cured by your patented medicines, medicines which cause side effects that you claim can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 66: As a result, companies are coming out with all sorts of random numbers that are
- Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, that actually causes some diseases, which you convince them they can only cure by your other patented medicine, which causes side effects that you can convince them can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
+ Convince people that they need food made by your patented machines, that actually causes sickness, which you convince them they can only cure by your other patented medicine, which causes side effects that you can convince them can only be cured by your other patented medicines, and your royalties will be royal!
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 56: The patent "owner" makes money by people paying to use that random number.
- If you've got a patent on a random number, you make no money if people solve their problems without your random number, but _monopoly money_ if they use your random number (regardless of it actually solves their problem).
+ If you've got a patent on a random number, you make no money if people solve their problems without your random number, but _monopoly money_ if they use your random number (regardless if it actually solves their problem).
3 months ago
updated patentsArePoison.scroll
Changed around line 52: The patent "owner" makes money by people paying to use that random number.
- # Patents incentive the wrong thing
+ # Patents incentivize the wrong thing
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 months ago
Changed around line 1
- tags Life Minsky
+ tags All Life Minsky
3 months ago
Reverted to 907e492f14afa6ba23dfb84e37ce06337f05b578
Changed around line 121: Next time I start acting on a grand idea, I hope my band and I will do the healt
- ****
- Breck, what does the chart look like for the last year? You seem to be manic again. You opened your personal website for anyone to edit. You are posting prolifically and grandiosely about Scroll.
3 months ago
updated going-manic-with-a-fitbit.scroll
Changed around line 121: Next time I start acting on a grand idea, I hope my band and I will do the healt
+ ****
+ Breck, what does the chart look like for the last year? You seem to be manic again. You opened your personal website for anyone to edit. You are posting prolifically and grandiosely about Scroll.